Psych III Borderline Personalties and Junk Therapy

Jaffe provides another essay with insight on personality disorders. A nice job and well thought out.
Please do not underestimate the impact of personality disorders on family and societal discord.

Psych junk science is particularly in play when psych and social work and psychology people are trying to make personality disorders better.
It is important to know that some of the failures are because personality disorders don’t want to get better-they like what they are in a perverse way. And they love to work over a well meaning care giver or family member. The don’t want to get better since often being unhappy is their best tool for manipulation. Scary, isn’t it?
If you know someone at work or in your family that is impossible, unpredictable, unstable, impulsive, without conscience or social restraints–you got one. Too bad for you. They will wear out their friends and family and blame them for their unhappiness.
They will burst into your life, use you up, and go on their way.
Women have borderline personality disorder diagnosed where men get diagnosed sociopathic.
Psychopaths are equivalent to sociopaths.
There are 3 groups of personality disorders, the wierd, the wild and the withdrawn.
Group A is the wierd–odd ducks, only the paranoid are a problem,
Group B is the wild, the troublesome ones, narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, sociopathic, most problematic because they have no conscience and are manipulative and mendacious–often good politicians and businessmen/even professionals but still very difficult to deal with cause they are so antisocial and self centered. Group B can be successful and dominate the incarcerated, you might say that the incarcerated often are unhappy, but their mood disorders are a symptom of their situation and their underlying problems. They threaten suicide and self mutilate to manipulate and they do get depressed–you’d be depressed too if you were a loser.
Group C are the withdrawn, socially uneasy and shy, only the obsessive compulsive personality disorders in the group and the serverely anxious and dependent are a problem in Group C because they tend to be control freaks are a burden to their friends and family.
Personality disorders are really best understood as growth or maturation disorders–they get stuck on an immature level, and can’t get off. There is no cure, counseling might get some to grow up or mature but they are a stubborn bunch to treat. Many psychiatrists try to avoid taking care of people who are predominantly personality disorders.

6 thoughts on “Psych III Borderline Personalties and Junk Therapy”

  1. Mentalization Based Therapy has shown similar rates of effectiveness to DBT. MBT is a newer treatment concept so it hasn’t made it out to the field as much, though effective treatment providers tend to use some of it’s concepts instinctively. When dealing with personality disordered individuals, don’t believe the professionals when they say that CBT works. My experience shows that it isn’t effective with these types of deeper problems.
    No matter what the treatment modality though, personality disordered individuals are treatment resistant. It makes sense why that is. A personality disordered is emotionally reactive and feels distressed at the smallest slight. By telling them that they have something wrong with them, the treatment provider “triggers” their distress, so they run from treatment. MBT and DBT recognize this fact and attempt to address that issue by building more tolerance and coping skills as part of the treatment approach. CBT tries to do this as well, however it calls on rational thinking in someone that really struggles with that skill.

  2. It’s been around for 25 years, so there should be some success rates available, even if those “rates” are only assertions. Thanks for checking.

  3. i’ll look it up. never heard of it before.
    there are so many phases and style and new ideas in counseling and therapy.

  4. don’t use acronyms too much. I may be able to guess Bipolar Disorder, but don’t know DBT. Clarify.

  5. There did not seem to be a mention of DBT as treatment for BPD. Is that because Linehan’s treatment has been dismissed as effective? Thank you.

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