Porn is Now in Style

Why learn social skills and date when you can entertain yourself with a computer?

Porn sites proliferate and porn is now ok and not just for dirty old men. I guess.
Young men, who are hypersexual, are not growing up and engaging in social contact with opposite sex.
I learned about the trend from a Sargent in the Sheriff department in charge of criminal investigations who told me she was repeatedly interviewing young males who were in jail or involved in criminality, who spent a good deal of time lying around the house watching porn.
Let’s see, Aldous Huxley said the way to the dystopia of the future would be Soma and casual sex for fun with no consequences.
One other bad thing is that porn creates a fantasy of what sex is about, that dehumanizes the object of pleasure, and some misguided or immature souls try to reproduce the kinky porn in the sexual encounters that they do have. Females suffer the cosequences, and are rightfully complaining that they are not seeing males worth dating or establishing a relationship.

2 thoughts on “Porn is Now in Style”

  1. Bread and circuses. It distracts a portion of the population while the statists implement more and more control.

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