2 thoughts on “Parabens for Chemophobes”

  1. On a more serious note, this particular anti-chemical scare needs to be subcategorized “anti-preservative”. This is, of course, another way of saying “anti-inexpensive food” and that leads us to “anti-poor people not starving to death”. Just like the old attacks on nitrites and salt and the new preemptive war on irradiation, this is nothing more than Malthusians attempting to affect population control by self-fulfilling their prophet’s warnings of famine and death.

  2. What’s up with the world of psychiatry? Caffeine intoxication is described by the DSM-5 but Orthorexia Nervosa (extreme or excessive preoccupation with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy) and Chemophobia aren’t?
    I guess you can’t make money selling pills to a chemophobe.

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