Chris Horner is Captain America in my Book

I get a news mag Military, that includes essays by Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media (AIM).
An AIM interview of Chris Horner, an author and speaker I knew from his work on enviro and climate affairs caught my eye.
Now I am mad as hell.
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Common Core–Tool of the Commies

Public education is biting us back. Schoolteachers can’t be trusted with children, having been indoctrinated in John Dewey socialism and worse. They certainly can’t teach because they are too busy with political correctness and socialist/post modernist/relativist brainwashing.
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Complementary Medicine Sounds So Good

An opponent of complementary medicine (vitamins and supplement promoted beyond their proven effect) quits his academic position in protest of a 15 million dollar grant to his U,-public-health-professor-has-quit-after-his-uni-did-a-15-million-research-deal-with-swisse-2014-2 La Trobe for research from Swisse, a vit maker.
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