Ozone–Sounds so Exotic, so Scary

The EPA can’t show any real toxic effect from ozone,
but they don’t have to–just make a pronouncement.

Let’s hope that the EPA runs out of gas. Their science doesn’t support their campaign against Ozone.
Here’s Milloy on Ozone, showing no toxic effect
Also it is important to know that the best the EPA could do was show a slight, not significant decline in pulmonary function tests in people exercises in an ozone chamber.
But today’s notice from the EPA that they are hot on the trail of the evil ozone.

Click to access 20140131healthrea.pdf

5 thoughts on “Ozone–Sounds so Exotic, so Scary”

  1. The half life of Ozone is 20 minutes. Within 3 to 4 hours it’s gone, broken down into O2..

  2. That and the fact that your sense of smell just works better in humid air. That’s also why farts smell worse in the shower.

  3. I was always told in the ’70s and ’80s that ozone was not a problem, but that it was a proxy for nitrous oxide because it could be measured more easily.
    When the NO2 problem seemed to be solved, suddenly O3 WAS the problem all along.
    Since it is naturally occurring and there is no adjustment for background level it is the perfect gas for raising fear.

  4. They have ozone generators to put in stale places in your house to make it smell fresh. Thunder storms create Ozone. That is why the air smells so fresh after a thunder storm.

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