NY gone Red

You think I am a paranoid person, well take a look at actions by the socialist Republic of New York City.

Understand that I will forgive you for a little naivete’ but not for damn ignorance about the socialists and their push for tyranny.
I lived in NY many years ago, 42 years ago. Did my internship at Harlem Hospital, spent plenty of time in Manhattan and I know the city–boy what a bunch of idiots live there. But they have no doubts of their superiority.
A strong case for humility. Often wrong, never in doubt.
Here we go with Blasio, friend of Bill and Hillary at the helm.

4 thoughts on “NY gone Red”

  1. Didn’t New York die a long time ago? Round about the time just after the end of the colour field painters? (God bless ’em).

  2. Paranoia is the delusion that everyone is out to get you.
    Just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean that no one is out to get you.

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