One thought on “NBC Suffers Anxiety Attack about Model Failures?”

  1. Anthropogenic Global Warming — now called “climate change” — is and always was a means for the far left to make a sneak attack on general commerce and business under the guise of “saving the planet.”
    Naturally, the climate models do not output reliable results because they were manipulated to begin with. These same (basic) models were suggesting a “coming ice age” in the 1970s … and were manipulated and recycled to “global warming” when the “ice age” scare failed to get enough interest from the political elite. (Where the proposed solution was a massive system of central planning and “social justice.”)
    The desirable aspect of “global warming” was that it could be blamed on carbon dioxide and this was seized by accommodating politicians who saw a way to increase government spending and central planning and control through carbon taxes and/or various “cap and trade” scenarios.
    Too bad (for them) the complexities of weather didn’t cooperate with these would be tin pot dictators.

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