Little study on effects of Fracking–excuse me.

So the concern is a failure to promote anxiety about a practice that has been studied to death?

I would suggest that maybe there is too much study and anxiety, and that the worriers will never accept the fact that they can’t find a public health problem from fracking.
For the anxious people in the world there are never enough studies. Never.

3 thoughts on “Little study on effects of Fracking–excuse me.”

  1. a couple of other things add to the nonsense, the precautionary principle, which is the coward’s approach to risk management, and the one hit theory of toxicology, which allows chasing a “toxin” proven by rat experiments down to the last molecule that can be detected by the better detectors.

  2. If the studies don’t find politically correct answers, no study has been done. For example, we’ve been testing the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for decades. Scientists haven’t found any problems with GMOs, therefore they haven’t done any testing, as far as environmentalists are concerned. The same will likely hold true for fracking. They’ll test and study and study and test. As long as they don’t find any problems, fracking will be considered untested, unproven and unsafe.

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