Let's see, how can we Increase Women's Visits to Doctors?

There was apparently a desperate situation here.
Women’s clinics were shut down. Women need to see the doctor, a lot.

The ratio of women’s visits to physicians to men’s is 3 or more to 1.
Now there are all kinds of excuses for that, but mostly it’s about the fact that women are “needy” and “worried.”
But how should I know. I have a jail population of 160 with about 10 percent females. Males tend to be bad boys.
But for daily requests for medical attention the women, who are 10% represent 50 % of the requests for medical attention.
Before you jump to conclusions consider what kind of women end up in jail or prison.
The answers are not easy to ascertain. But one thing is certain, women, who go to the doctor 3 times more than men, live longer.
Wanna guess why? You figure it out, you get a job in the Obamacare mess–they have to figure out what makes people go to the doctor.
The volume of visits certainly drives the cost of care.
Luckily the women’s clinics in Killeen (home of Fort Hood) got their funding back.

7 thoughts on “Let's see, how can we Increase Women's Visits to Doctors?”

  1. Yes, people were healthier years ago. The only reason why the life expectancy increased was due to the saving of more children and babies. Most children died from infections and their tender ages were added into the overall life expectancy equation. The American life expectancy for males, for example, increased in ONE DAY from 48 to 78 due to the discovery of penicillin. Thats the only reason why you have an increased life expectancy. Thats it. The old New England cemetaries are loaded with dead children. They are also full of 70, 80, 90 and 100 year olds. Even a State of Massachusetts website proclaimed that our forefathers lived far healthier lives than the people do today. Big deal if you live to be 80 today and you are some dragging old bag. My grandfather was born in 1886 and died in 1986. He ate an extreme high fat diet. He would fry thick slices of salt pork, put it between bread and eat it as a sandwich. He was a farmer in Orange, CT. He planted 2 acres of corn, harvested it and sold it. He did this by himself until he was 92. He scorned doctors as quacks and crooks. He never visited a doctor in his life.

  2. I want to add that people were much healthier years ago. In the old days when married women stayed home and cooked for their families. Nowadays, these women work and, in the process, neglect their families. These ignorant people run to doctors for every little thing. Yet the doctor does nothing but write a prescription for a symptom suppressing pill and NEVER CURES THE PROBLEM. Try to tell these fools what their problem may be and they pop off ‘I have to ask my doctor’. The doctor did nothing for the fool to begin with and yet they have to beg his permission and hand the quack more money in the process. As George Washington and Thomas Jefferson called it The Ignorance Of The Common Masses. Ancient Rome was known in the ancient world for processed food. They used chemical additives to extend shelf life, much like today. They did this to feed a large urban population. This began the decline of Rome. The population became more and more deformed. We all know about Rome. Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa would fit right into Ancient Rome. These 2 are held up as heroes while the Robertson family of Duck Dynasty are spat at as creeps because they promote family values. The lessons of history. Ancient Rome in its decline and the USA are strikingly similar. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. History repeats itself. Doubtful that this country will survive another 75 years at the rate its going.

  3. I beg to differ. I read about the US life expectancy in a CIA report. The people in this country are pitiful trainwrecks thanks to these so-called ‘MOMS’ as they call themselves. I see entire families of kids wearing eyeglasses. Even rich actor Ben Afflecks daughter wears glasses. I am 56 years old and went nearsighted due to the measles at 6. It was later discovered that measles gobbles up your Vitamin A and damages your eyes. With the measles vaccine, eyeglasses should be a thing of the past. Yet, there are far more kids with glasses today then when I was a kid. Hmm. Methinks there may be a Vitamin A deficiency at play. Btw, there are 2 types of vitamin A. The eye type is only found in animal fats, such as real butter. Low fat junk science diet! Look at all of the autistic kids. All the asthma. I didnt know 1 kid in my childhood that had asthma or autism. Yet I am a baby boomer and there were far more kids in the early 1960s than there is now. When I was dumb and ate low fat, my hair would never grow past the top of my shoulder. It got dry over the years and full of split ends. I began eating a very high animal fat diet and, VOILA!, my hair is well past my shoulders, it went from dry to oily and, believe it or not, the split ends sealed up and disappeared by themselves. I have a 44 year old friend in Vermont who was losing her hair. She began eating animal fat in the form of raw milk cheddar cheese and her hair began to grow back. It is plain why the USA women have such skanky hair. I want to point out that I eat no processed foods. I have a full head of hair, no wrinkles or rumples and have no weight issues. I HAVE NO HEALTH ISSUES WHATSOEVER AND TAKE NO MEDICATIONS. Strangers call me Miss and young lady. I used to have severe acid reflux and a leaky bladder. That all cleared up when I went to the ancient diet of our ancestors AND STOPPED LISTENING TO QUACKS! A good tip-the magnesium content of our soil was depleted back in the 1930s and never replaced. I rub a nickel sized portion of magnesium oil on the soles of my feet daily and it cured my dry eye problem. Linus Pauling, a 2 time Nobel Prize winner, said that any type of an ailment, no matter what it is, can be traced to a vitamin and or mineral deficiency. The human body must consume what nature tells it to or it will sicken and die. Processed food is a scourge.

  4. It is one of those paradoxes we can never resolve.
    Women are smarter; stronger; and superior to men, yet they need their hands held constantly and require massive amounts of funding for care and huge events to fund research for female health issues.

  5. I think you’re being a little extreme there. Perhaps you’re just going for dramatic effect, but if you honestly believe we are “down there with the Middle East, I beg to differ.
    In the 17 countries considered the Middle East the average life expectancy is 74 years. The USA’s is 78. Only three Middle Eastern countries, Israel, Cyprus, and Qatar do better with 79.2, 78.9, and 78.9 respectively. Without them the average is 73.1
    You have to ignore 12 countries to get an average that is higher than the USA. I would point out that the area’s average is being pulled down mostly by Yemen, Iraq, Palestine, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt. Those countries all have a life expectancy of less than 75. The other most notable thing they have in common is recent histories of war, despotism, and revolution. Without those countries the average life expectancy shoots up to 76.7 years.
    As for the other ailments you speak of, there is no evidence of a nationwide decline in overall health, much less specific problems such as hair loss. The few diseases considered to be on the rise in the USA are typically associated with old age. Their proliferation is nothing more than a side effect of overall improved health and safety leading to increased life span.
    The comment about “processed foods that are laden with chemicals” is completely spurious. All foods are made of chemicals. Modern processing methods were invented to eliminate the tendency of “natural” foods to spoil and spread disease. Thanks to processed foods, epidemics of food borne illness and malnutrition are practically a thing of the past. The USA only has 1 death per 100,000 people per year attributed to malnutrition.
    Also, you’ve misused the phrase “Third World”. That’s a political distinction for countries that were neither aligned with the USA nor the USSR during the cold war. It has nothing to do with economics or health.

  6. Most of the American women are sickly messes. Either too fat or too skinny. Their hair doesnt grow and they wear hair extensions. Their hair falls out in patches. Full of pills, ailments. A low quality of life. Women ALWAYS lived longer then men, with or without doctors. Women are able to withstand malnutrition better then men, but they turn into wretched, sickly messes. The women dont know how to, or care to, cook for themselves or their families. They buy nutritionally deficient processed foods that are laden with chemicals to serve to their families. They blindly follow screwball scientists who tell them to eat in an anti-nature fashion. The low fat foods that cause obesity, hair loss and vision loss and, undoubtedly numerous other ailments. The United States is already in a Third World status in regard to population health. Yes, we are down there with the Middle East. So, whoopsie doo that women run to doctors sooner then men. The quacks just toss symptom suppressing pills at these wretched half dead creatures. These quacks dont cure anything because there is no money in prescribing cooking lessons.

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