Lancet Keeps up the Chemophobic Chant

Lancet has always been politically correct and committed to the precautionary principle in all its vacuousness.
They are chemophobic, and climate and air pollution fraidy cats for sure.

Lancet does know what sounds scary though. Here’s cogent commentary from the people at ACSH.
I generally agree with ACSH on the chemophobia problem. And I deplore the precautionary principle.
I would condemn their agreement with the American Cancer Society that the three causes of cancer are environmental toxins, food, and tobacco. Any oncological person will tell you cancer is not monochromatic, there are viruses that may play, injuries, disease entities, and there aren’t just three causes of cancer–that’s nonsense,
Besides to say three causes is to ignore the elephant in the room–age and the failure of immune systems to destroy bad cell lines, that is usually associated with age. We all get old and old age is a cancer risk. Think colon, lung, prostate, blood cancers.

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