Willie Soon sends to Bast who sends to me.
Fox News is the only outlet in the MSM that would have this discussion.
True Believer/Religious tenacity is hard to understand unless you consider the attractions of group think and the nature of intellectual and cultural intimidation.
Krauthammer nails it in this clip:
The full program, which opens with a great statement by Mark Morano, is here:
Steve Hayes (Weekly Standard) and Bret Baier (Fox News, the host) are also outstanding. Juan Williams is clueless.
Thanks, Willie.
Baier, darn auto correct.
And agreed, Juan must be sending lots of cash to Nigeria.
Bailer was not hosting, it was Doug McElway.
Not to be nit picky :\
You will get no argument here – IMO all agencies outside of the Limits of Article I section 8 enumerated powers should be closed.
Should probably close all of NASA – it isn’t the NASA of the 1960’s that we all remember heroically shooting men into space, and sending off interplanetary probes and getting them to work by shear will. It has become another bloated bureaucracy, not so much interested in science, but interested in increasing their domain, and increasing their number of federal workers.
Do this and we can close the EPA. NOAA and AGW at NASA.