Keystone Opposition a Greenie Mistake?

Buffett’s or Gate’s trains would produce more carbon dioxide than a pipeline.

New York Magazine: ANTI-KEYSTONE MOVEMENT WAS ‘A GIGANTIC MISTAKE’: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was an accident. Indeed, the environmentalists’ obsession with Keystone began as a gigantic mistake’

One thought on “Keystone Opposition a Greenie Mistake?”

  1. Starting to look like somebody dropped a pipeline on the enviro-wingnuts foot. 8^)
    The base assumptions for opposition to the pipeline included that the oil would stay in the ground. Nobody told that to the Canuks. maybe they weren’t paying attention to the enviros because of the Chinese in the Armani Suit standing there with a suitcase full of cash – the interest from loans to the US Government – inquiring about the price for this oil and would it be too inconvenient to ship it west instead of south.

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