Honeycutt is da best

Michael Honeycutt is the Chief Toxicologist for the State of Texas.
Here is his latest message, informing me of his op ed for the Houston paper.

The Houston Chronicle asked me to write a point-counter point Op-Ed on ozone. There was a 700 word limit, so it was difficult to really address all the issues. Plus, I had a good idea of who they would ask to write the opposing viewpoint, so I tried to address their points in my piece. Here’s the link to mine:
The opposing viewpoint was written by a local activist from Houston. Here’s his piece:
We were very excited to get the invitation, since it’s the first time in several years the Chronicle has asked us to write one. In fact, the agency has sent them several over the years that they haven’t printed.
Dunn note: Like most newspapers everywhere, even in Texas, the Houston Chronicle is a lefty rag with environmentalist sickness to the gills.
Journalists everywhere, even in a conservative state like Texas are auditioning to get a job with the ultimate lefty rag–the New York Times. Why is it so hard to teach educated people that socialism and statism don’t work?
Michael E. Honeycutt, Ph.D.
Director, Toxicology Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
*: Michael.Honeycutt@tceq.texas.gov
(512) 239-1793
(512) 239-1794

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