EPA Overreach on the Clean Water Act

Testimony of Kenneth Dierschke, President of the Texas Farm Bureau at the congressional hearing on EPA overreach, Feb 4, 2014.

The Committee was Space Science and Technology, Chair Lamar Smith of Texas.
The staffer that keeps me informed is Clint Woods.
This link was sent by Gary Baise, high flying attorney and farmer hisownself, who frequently represents Agricultural interests and Farmers dealing with regulatory and compliance disputes. In another life Gary was Chief of Staff at EPA or something like that, spear carrier for Ruckelshaus in the early days.
The problem for farmers is that the EPA wants to control and regulate run off and standing water when that authority was never intended by the Clean Water Act. The EPA is working on a very broad definition of waters of interest under the CWA.

2 thoughts on “EPA Overreach on the Clean Water Act”

  1. This is the result of the EPA a decade or so ago when they tried to regulate mud puddles under the Clean Water act. As a result they tried a few years ago to regulate the mud puddles through a new regulation which was challenged and wound up in the supreme court. The supreme court shot down the EPA but left a loophole which is what is happening now. The loop hole was for the EPA to show that waters where “connected” and they came up with the “science”.

  2. EPA in effect has the air we breath. Now they want all the water in the US. What is freedom if you don’t have air and water?

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