When the California Drought subject came up, I thought about the Missouri River floods of the Spring 2011, that were manufactured by the Corps of Engineers.
This drought in CA already introduced on this web site by Bob Greene, referencing a fine essay by Investors Business daily,
is the result of enviro misconduct in allowing a deterioration of the water systems built in the past in CA and failing to attend to the needs of the dramatically increased population of the last 50 years in a state that is naturally a desert without irrgation and water transfers.
The insanity that has created the CA drought is a terrible and irritating reminder of the flooding of the Missouri River Valley in 2011, created by intentional malfeasance of the US Corps of Engineers, that caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, destroyed cropland, real estate, residential areas, and turned the soil of the most fertile and productive river bottom of the country into wastelands that were and are useless for years.
The Corps of engineers, in charge of the 5 holding lakes and dams for the upper Missouri, knew the snow run off would be extraordinary in spring 2011, and they refused to adjust dam releases, or holds before and during the spring thaw, and even made the flood worse for the Missouri River below Yankton, South Dakota. They did exactly what they wanted to do–destroy human use of the bottoms and discourage development in the bottoms.
The Corp and their allied enviros, in cahoots on Missouri River bottomland usage issues, got what they wanted, a return of those fertile grounds to wet and wild lands, and a blow to the farmers who tilled them. Some residential areas that were destroyed would be considered by the Corps as something else they wanted to discourage, living close to the river. Too bad if they destroyed peoples lives, they were working for Mother Gaia.
My friend and activist/writer/blogger from Omaha, Joe Herring, exposed the scandal in a series of essays at American Thinker. Since I was born in Sioux City and lived and was educated in Omaha, I shared his outrage with the Corps, who claimed they were victims of an unavoidable flood–nonsense–they created the flood with no regrets or remorse, just lame excuses.
I assert that enviros in CA object to the agricultural development of the San Joaquin valley and the Inland Empire area of Southern California, and would like to knock farming down and return some land to the desert it was before energetic Californians made it a breadbasket.
hey now!
you know they’re smarter than us, otherwise they wouldn’t be w*rking for the government…
These “unnatural disasters”, are another way of “guiding us”, to the places they want us to be. The implementation of Agenda 21 is insidious, and unrelenting.
We have to fight against it!