Dr. Battig on Kerry and Scientific Pretensions

On our theme of Kerry inanity, Dr. Charles Battig adds his voice.
Charles is a physician ally in the climate wars who works with Fred Singer and CFACT people.

Kerry was still in the Navy when he met with the North Vietnamese in Paris. That’s treason.
And he lied about so much in his testimony against American soldiers.
He is a creep and now the Sec of State.
Charles Battig writes about his silly statement on climate.

One thought on “Dr. Battig on Kerry and Scientific Pretensions”

  1. One small disagreement with the article. I don’t believe Kerry is “always alert to the political climate”. I’m not convinced he’s ever alert to the political climate outside his small home state. I don’t remember 2004 going that well for him. He’s relied on cronyism for every office he’s actually held.
    Maybe I’m just optimistic, but I don’t think the political winds are blowing his way.

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