Common Core in the People's Republic of NY

Another howl of protest, this time from NY teachers about excess testing.

That may be their beef, but there are others about Common Core.
My read is that John Dewey is happy in his grave that Common Core is coming to 40 plus states.
If John Dewey the socialist is happy, we should be troubled.
Dewey detested and abhorred content rich education, drill discipline, practice and memorizing–he thought kids would do just fine without any drill or memory of facts and why not go with social work in the classroom and joint projects for the communal classroom.
Eliminate individual effort and diminish individual achievement as a goal–let’s all flunk together.

2 thoughts on “Common Core in the People's Republic of NY”

  1. The kids only need to be educated about global warming and low fat diets and the dangers of meat eating. Junk science at its worst. That way, they will be convinced to become vegans while padding the pockets of the left wing to protect them from the weather.

  2. Dumbed down kids are much more easily controlled later as adults, well, sort of “adults”.

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