Another International Climate Expert–Good Gig

Here the proud home town discusses one of their favorite sons, early 40s, a declared climate expert who is a globe hopping celeb.
Do you get the impression mostly he is an apparatchik committed to agit prop for the IPCC warming/climate agenda?

When the administrative state is in place and money/power/influence flows from the maw of the government, people like this globe hopper are recruited as the army of “experts.
One more time may I remind you of the excellent essay by Angelo Codevilla on the scientific pretenses of these elites with all the proper credentials and recommendations.
Codevilla points out that since Otto Von Bismarck and even before, administrative bureaucratic governments have armored up with scientists and experts to intimidate the political and citizen classes. How often do we hear “Scientists say” or “the scientific consensus is” and that’s the end of the debate.
Seems as though a scientifically illiterate man John Kerry, and his boss, who is equally illiterate on the science, recently announced the secret words–“the debate is over, the science is settled.” What a comfort to know that the science is settled while the warming has stalled out in spite of a rise in Carbon Dioxide.
This will get you going, from the essay on Scientific Pretense.
We will restore science to its rightful place…”
—Barack Obama
Unpacked, this sentence means: “Under my administration, Americans will have fewer choices about how they live, and fewer choices as voters because, rightfully, those choices should be made by officials who rule by the authority of science.”

Angelo is an incredible writer, with a lot of international and foreign policy political insights.
here’s his oeuvre in American Spectator, but he writes at Forbes and the Claremont Review too, for example.

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