Coal Ash Spill in NC

Duke energy on the griddle about coal ash in the Dan River from an electricity plant.
Coal ash is not a toxic thing. Even though it is from evil coal.
This coal ash lagoon is on the site of an old coal plant, now fired with natural gas. A pipe collapsed under the lagoon and the spill went into the Dan River in Northern North Carolina at Eden.
Naturally the enviro lawyers were there with anxious looks on their faces.

2015 Climate Treaty–Now Exec order on Trucks

Here’s the way it goes. Congress passes a law and then Delegates discretion and authority to the agencies. The agencies do what they are told by the Chief Executive.
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Another International Climate Expert–Good Gig

Here the proud home town discusses one of their favorite sons, early 40s, a declared climate expert who is a globe hopping celeb.
Do you get the impression mostly he is an apparatchik committed to agit prop for the IPCC warming/climate agenda?
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