Warsaw Follies II

Message from Craig Rucker From CFACT, an organization opposed to the latest Climate Treaty nonsense.
Rucker attended the Warsaw meet of the UN climate gang.

Craig Rucker’s message:
The UN struck a deal last night in Warsaw.
Just when it seemed the UN climate summit would disintegrate amidst acrimony and recriminations, Obama agreed to announce U.S. emissions reductions in time to ink a global warming treaty in Paris in 2015.
The UN delegates couldn’t resist bringing the U.S. on board.
Among the more damaging outcomes, the U.S. and the developing world agreed to a “loss and damage” mechanism. Industrialized nations pretty much accepted liability for natural disasters which strike poor countries.
Goodbye science, hello redistribution.
Dunn comments:
Treaties have to be ratified by the Senate. We never ratified Kyoto. Paris in 2015 certainly will be signed by the lefty enviro President, but ratified by the senate that has to answer to the people of the US–not likely.
UN ambitions to become the world government and central money re-distributor for weather events and other “climate catastrophes” appeal to whom?
I learned in International Law studies that International Agreements are made to be broken and only survive by consent of the parties. There is no mechanism to enforce an International Treaty unless we cede sovereignty to the UN.
In this case there is little chance of ratification and much less chance that the UN will become a world wide taxation and redistribution entity. Even the quirky Europeans aren’t about to open up their checkbooks for UN apparatchiks.
Quick, name the UN Secretary General and tell me if the last 3 SGs of the UN have been competent to run a Dairy Queen or a Chili’s.

4 thoughts on “Warsaw Follies II”

  1. You joke, and yet… I’ve never before seen a 2nd term president spend so much time campaigning. I don’t think he’s going to happily retire the way most ex-presidents do.

  2. redistribution U.N Agenda21?
    Economic Prosperity is defined in the preamble of Agenda21, “The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries.”
    This thinking is based on the failed belief that the wealth of the world was made at the expense of the poor, forcing them to be poorer while the rich got richer! The United States was founded on the premise that individual freedom, free market economics would benefit all by raising the living level of all. The ability to succeed in America was open to all “Equality of opportunity,” not equality of results!
    I believe this all is intended to centralize all financial and political power into the hands of the elite few who will be the government for the world, The UN.

  3. Perhaps Mr. Obama is hoping that his actions might put him in position to benominated for the job of king of the world.

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