Warsaw Follies

This essay at PJ Media covers the story of the UN climate great grandchild of Kyoto meeting in Wasaw.

Lot’s of noise when enviros get to meet together after spending the year trying to redistribute wealth and increase UN and enviro power while reducing or eliminating economic progress around the globe. They promise a completed treaty by 2015. Wannabet?
One of the good stories is the Polish sacking of their Host official because he was too green.
Take a looksee.

3 thoughts on “Warsaw Follies”

  1. Said the great thinker C. “Charlie” Brown: “GOOD GRIEF”!
    The budget for this farce is something like 10000 people x (10 days on the road x 1000 USD/day +4000 USD travel) = 140 000 000 USD + about the same amount for preparations, all adding up to about 280 000 000 USD.

  2. If it weren’t for the serious attempts to redistribute wealth meetings of this type would be high satire. Think about feverish negotiations to control the climate and save the earth, from immediate destruction and hope to have an agreement in two years. We’ve been in the “do it now or the earth will perish” mode for 17 years or so. Anyone figured out the earth has survived all those tipping points?

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