7 thoughts on “Typhoons are caused by American emissions?”

  1. No doubt about it. They were let down. Some of it might be that they didn’t get to show off their bravery and heroism in reporting live from Nags Head N.C. Or maybe they’re afraid L.L. Bean will quit supplying them with nifty hurricane apparel, since none of it got seen on air this year.

  2. John B: And when we had no hurricanes make landfall this year, you could hear the disappointment in the stars of the weather channel.

  3. The enviros were actually cheering when they saw the devastation. What a great photo-op to use for fundraising and political chicanery.
    They have no conscience.

  4. Tom, I should have put [/sarc] on that one. I’m closing in on 31 years of dealing with state and federal environmental regulators. I’ve often wondered how people this arrogant and stupid actually get employed. The laws of nature do not apply. On the otherhand, in the 25 years I spent as a weekend warrior field artilleryman, I found the laws of physics worked quite well and predictably.

  5. Bob, Governmentitis — the disease — is a mental condition that causes a profound belief that governments are able to use supernatural powers that the rest of us mere mortal humans just don’t have, thus governments are led to enacting policies that would require a change in the laws of physics for the policies to work as intended.
    You don’t believe it. Take a close look at Obamacare, aka, the “affordable care act”. It is the inviolate nature of the fundamental laws of physics that are making Obamacare a sad, sick joke that is being played on the American people by a mental midget numbskull pResident and a guano Congress.

  6. The chart in the link contains the 1970 typhoon Boha which had a death estimate of 500,000. I found the quote “We can fix this. We can stop this madness. Right now, right here,” Sano told delegates in Warsaw as he pleaded for action on climate change.” in the IBD report utterly amazing. Does he really believe he can control the climate (stop it from changing) or just control typhoons? If they had that god-like power, why don’t they just go ahead and exercise it?

  7. Over and over when the weather doesn’t cooperate with the warmists, we’re told “weather is not climate”. Then the minute they have their “extreme” weather event, they can’t tie the weather to climate change fast enough. I’d find it laughable except the enabling media never points out the double standard. Unfortunately it appears a lot of people can’t see contradiction on their own if it slapped their faces.

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