Ocean rise stalls. New York and Venice reprieve?

Here’s some good news on an important scare–seas are rising.
No Obama didn’t stop the seas from rising–seems they are slowing their rise.

The rate of rise is down to about 50% of what it was.
Note that it appears the oceans didn’t eat the warming. Otherwise they would have expanded and the rise would have been unabated. IPCC and ALGORE take another hit.

2 thoughts on “Ocean rise stalls. New York and Venice reprieve?”

  1. I do have to wonder – how do they get these measurements so precise with instruments that can only measure to the nearest 2cm on relatively unmoving ground.
    Something is amiss with all these claims. But even if true, the 3.2 mm average was lower than the historical average of 7mm per year over the last 18000 years. And that one is easier to calculate (what was the sea level 18000 years ago, what is it today, subtract one from the other, and divide by 18000) no need for taxing instruments not meaning to be used so precisely.

  2. My house is about 5 miles from the seacoast. Al Gore promised me I’d have a waterfront home within a few years.

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