Look At Clouds from Both Sides Now

This admission certainly appears to be derivative of some kind of willful blindness.

National clouds expert expresses some doubts about the model claims that clouds cause a net warming effect.
Honest injun, I really did think that these model people at least had the forcers and the mitigators listed properly on the warm/cool ledger, but, as Roy Spencer points out in this article, and Fred Singer has discussed at length in his book on the importance of the sun, the active sunspot sun makes the clouds go away because the electromagnetic emanations interfere with cosmic ionizing rays that cause cloud formation. And clouds have an albedo effect, as I recall. White albedo. DUUUH.
I know about albedo effect and I am a slug emergency physician who hates calculus and can’t spell astrophysics?
Could I get a job with the gov agencies in charge of “climate science?”

2 thoughts on “Look At Clouds from Both Sides Now”

  1. got a great note from tony lupo on why the predictions for hurricanes fell apart.
    he does long range forecasting in Missouri and says that when you bomb it is a chastening experience.

  2. Given the noise made by the warmists and the doomsday predictions from the expert climate scientists, each one worse than the last, you could forget that there are folks actually doing real research on weather/climate systems. If I were one of the latter, I’d be really disappointed by those making all the noise.

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