Hey, We're Doin' Our Part on Carbon

Here is a really revealing bit of news about American emissions.
The Carbon imprint created by the US, if you think it’s important, has been declining in the face of world wide increases.
James Taylor at the Heartland is a big boy on these things.

So I will put up James Taylor’s piece on the matter in its entirety, since my experience is that he is very good and very reliable.
U.S. carbon dioxide emissions declined by 3.7 percent in 2013, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia (U.K.) reports. The decline in U.S. emissions continues a dramatic drop in U.S. emissions this century, even as global emissions rapidly rise.
The new Tyndall Centre report says there is enough data regarding 2013 carbon dioxide emissions to accurately project emissions for the final two months of the year and for 2013 as a whole. Global emissions will rise by 2.1 percent during 2013, powered mainly by a 5.9 percent increase in China and a 7.7 percent increase in India.
U.S. emissions have declined 14 percent since the year 2000. The decline is even more dramatic since 2007, with U.S. emissions down 16 percent in that short time.
Global emissions continue to rise despite the ongoing decline in U.S. emissions. Global emissions are up 45 percent since 2000, and up 16 percent since 2007.
China now emits approximately double the emissions of the second largest emitter, with China accounting for 27 percent of global emissions and the United States accounting for 14 percent of global emissions. Since the year 2000, China alone is responsible for two-thirds of the global increase in carbon dioxide emissions.
The new emissions data confirm the success of free-market emissions reduction programs relative to government-centered restrictions. Environmental activists routinely criticize the United States for being one of the few nations never to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which sought to impose emissions quotas on the United States while imposing no such quotas on China, India, and other developing nations. Nevertheless, emissions data show the United States has reduced more carbon dioxide emissions this century than any other nation. The U.S. emissions decline is due in large part to technological advances in natural gas production and power plant operations.
Just a fetish that I have, but note that these jackasses at Phys.org show a picture of belching stacks in their article about carbon dioxide when CO2 is invisible. What you are looking at is water vapor–we often call it steam.
This is a trick often used by the enviros–show a terrible air contamination by something from a stack but don’t explain that in a couple hundred feet the steam disappears and the plume is gone.
I don’t claim that all plumes from stacks are short lived, but the plumes from energy plants are, cause they are damn water vapor.

2 thoughts on “Hey, We're Doin' Our Part on Carbon”

  1. I live in an ecovillage in southern Arizona (founded by Gabriel of Urantia http://gccalliance.org/resume/), in a community of a little over 100 people including children and our entire lifestyle is based on principles of living sustainably and in harmony. So much has gotten out of hand with our leaders and government who quite frankly do not lead and govern for the common good of all. We all need to do what we can to support the health of the planet, it is one of our many responsibilities.

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