Clouds II

Last week we talked about Clouds and some climate guys who can’t decide if clouds are a forcer or an inhibitor.

Here we go again, the modelers can’t model clouds. These people need to listen and pay attention.
So cosmic rays are ionizing and increase clouds, and clouds have an albedo effect. Clouds are water so they have circulatory effects created by temperatures. Thunderstorms, for example are big venting events.
The wonderful properties of water. People are a lot water. Water can be ice and liquid and vapor and it produces big time energy absorption and release with changing states. Water vapor is the most important Green house Gas, at 20 % of the green house gas presence and effect. And modelers can’t model it? You can’t make these things up.
I have learned much from my friends who overlook my disabilities, like Tony Lupo of Missouri and Roy Spencer of Alabama.
Maybe these modelers should contact them for advice or even on line education programs for wannabe climate modelers.
The could learn a lot about di-hydrogen oxide.

One thought on “Clouds II”

  1. As Judy Collins sang in the 60’s, “It’s clouds illusions I recall, I really don’t know clouds, at all.” Neither do these guys.

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