Obama's Executive order on climate adaptation

Today I received another confirmation of the fact that the Baron de Montesquieu  is no longer influential in the United States.  You may recall he was the idea man for 3 branches. 

Since the success of the Antonio Gramscian commie infiltration into the culture and the government, We now have the tyrant branch, out of the White House,  the quisling branch at the Capitol and behind the Capitol we have the enabler collaborator lawyers in robes bunch at the nice building with a great porch. 

  The original idea was to separate and balance powers and functions, but most federal Elected officials don’t really consider their oath to uphold the Constitution to be a serious one, and certainly not the Justices of the Supreme Court, who now are oligarchs with political agendas, not serious professionals who understand tht model of great governance bluprint.

The goal was to preserve freedom and liberty under a government by consent with limited and enumerated powers.

So read here the summary of what happened today, Nov. 1.  it is a summary.  There was an 8 page executive order and 4 pages of guideance provided by big brother’s mouthpieces.   A tyrant never has to ask forgiveness or make excuses, and he can make his preferences and perceptions the only acceptable version of reality.   Dissent is derivative of freedom and liberty, unfortunately now only available in small amounts.

I thank my friend for this heads up.

President Obama directed federal agencies this morning to work with state and local governments to prepare society for the risks of a warming planet. The executive order (attached), which carries out several goals outlined in the President’s climate action plan, calls on multiple departments within the executive branch to identify and eliminate any barriers to resiliency investments within their policies and guidance documents (attached).

  • The directive asks the agencies to incentivize resiliency efforts through grants or other financial assistance programs, as well as through guidance and performance standards.
  • It also gives EPA, the Interior Department, DOD and the Army Corps of Engineers nine months to finish an assessment of policy and regulatory changes necessary to make U.S. lands and waters more resilient.
  • Under the plan, the White House will also establish a new web site at Data.govthat will serve as a clearinghouse for relevant data and tools for policymakers.
  • The order dissolves the inter-agency task force on climate adaptation in favor of a multi-agency council on climate preparedness and resilience that is charged with building on the previous group’s efforts, which included the first-ever development of agency-specific adaptation plans focused on how global warming could impact various government functions.
  • Additionally, it establishes a State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience to advise its federal counterpart.
  • Members of the task force include:

Governors: Hawaii’s Neil Abercrombie; California’s Jerry Brown; Washington’s Jay Inslee; Jack Markell of Delaware; Martin O’Mally of Maryland; Pat Quinn of Illinois; and Peter Shumlin of Vermont.
Local Governments: Mayor Ralph Becker (Salt Lake City, UT); Mayor James Brainard (Carmel, IN); Commissioner Paula Brooks (Franklin County, OH); Supervisor Salud Carbajal (Santa Barbara County, CA); Mayor Frank Cownie (Des

Moines, IA); Mayor Bob Dixson (Greensburg, KS);  Mayor Eric Garcetti (Los Angeles); Mayor George Heartwell (Grand Rapids, MI); Mayor Kristin Jacobs (Broward County, FL); Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento, CA); Mayor Michael

Nutter (Philadelphia, PA); Mayor Annise Parker (Houston, TX); Mayor Patsy Parker (Perdido Beach, AL); Mayor Madeline Rogero (Knoxville, TN); Mayor Karen Weitkunat (Fort Collins, CO); Mayor Dawn Zimmer (Hoboken, NJ)
Tribal Officials: Karen Diver, Chairwoman, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (MN); Reggie Joule, Mayor, Northwest Arctic Borough (AK).

14 thoughts on “Obama's Executive order on climate adaptation”

  1. If you really believe that stuff about 13″ per year, you should visit the ruins of the city of Salamis on the east coast of Cyprus. It was an important trading port until the harbor silted up during the 7th Century. The town was abandoned by the residents. I visited the ruins in 1966, and the water level did not seeem to have changed significantly in 13 centuries.

  2. You know water does rise about 13″ per century naturally, if natural resilience means, building up dykes around homes and businesses built too close to water, I could see that.

  3. In the UK, this happened with the last Labour government’s “Climate Change (Destruction of the Economy) Act” of 2008.
    Join the club.

  4. And providing even more proof that he is a cipher — nothing more than a sad, sick joke that has been played on the American people — As if further proof was needed.

  5. “Climate change” is right there with “…a weird trick using clinically-proven all-natural ingredients that insurance companies hate!” as proof of fraudulent intent.
    There is everything to be said for different levels of government coordinating on disaster preparedness and the policies already are in place for that.
    The good news is that there is really nothing that Obama can do with executive orders that hasn’t been done. The bad news is that he’s reinforcing the credibility of a sham, but only with people who already believe.

  6. Did anyone else notice that almost every single person on this new “task force” are flaming liberals that follow Obubba around like little “yes” puppies. I swear, not one of these “task force” idiots has any background in science. It reminds me of that Nextgen Climate Committee that seems to worship Michael Mann. For those who don’t know, Michael Mann is a FORMER climatologist from UVA that had to be fired for creating falsified climate information for his Global Warming lying friends to use and is now trying to influence the govenors race here in Virginia. How long are these morons going to try and hold onto or fix their money making schemes with the Global Warming lie. There has ALWAYS been climate change on this planet, ever since an atmosphere formed, and we humans are barely a scratch to what Mother Nature puts into our atmosphere naturally on a daily basis. But trying to turn it into an unethical money making scheme on the undereducated and misinformed is ludicrous!

  7. Climate resilience? Is that a new meaningless buzz phrase? I just can’t wait to see the new and wonderful ideas the regulatory agencies, like EPA will come up with. Another reason to retire because I just might voice my true opinion talking to these folks.

  8. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    Control of the US Energy Resources is just another step down the road to serfdom that Obama is leading us down. If Obama’s quest for absolute power over every aspect of our lives is not curtailed soon there may be no turning back. Just hope the folks wake up soon and hold President Obama accountable for his flagrant disregard for the rule of law.

  9. Be afraid, be very afraid. As I see it, since no link between Global Warming and natural disasters can be proven, this is just carte blanche to dictate policy, directives, and laws to the states. Clearly in violation of the tenth Amendment, but nobody seems to care anymore about how government is supposed to function. Just soak the rich, and send me my check.

  10. Climate edicts by a cluster of non-scientific, political buffoons. What could be wrong with that?
    Stay tuned to see.

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