Wind turbines kill 67 (or more) eagles in past 5 years — but no felony charges pursued

The Washington Times reports:

Wind energy facilities have killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles in the last five years, but the figure could be much higher, according to a new scientific study by government biologists.

The research represents one of the first tallies of eagle deaths attributed to the nation’s growing wind energy industry, which has been a pillar of President Barack Obama’s plans to reduce the pollution blamed for global warming. Wind power releases no air pollution.

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5 thoughts on “Wind turbines kill 67 (or more) eagles in past 5 years — but no felony charges pursued”

  1. 5yrs ago I visited a wind farm while biking thru West Virginia. The ground around was littered with feathers and bird parts like a henhouse after a fox. I called them “Bird Grinders” then. Happily, I still get abused for that.

  2. That’s 67 direct kills. But what about the harm to the eagle environment and the hypothetical attributions from that? Sauce for the gander.

  3. If this had been mine tailings ponds, there would have been both an uproar and millions of dollars in fines. Since when did windfarms trump the Endangered Species Act?

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