Warmists push ice-free Arctic date back a ‘few decades’ — An Inconvenient Pause

Al Gore had predicted as earlier as 2013.

The Guardian reports:

The Arctic is on course for an ice-free summer within the next few decades, as scientist on Friday declared that sea ice in the region had fallen to one of the lowest annual minimums on record.

On 13 September, the expanse of frozen water in the Arctic fell to 5.10 million square kilometres (1.97 million square miles), the sixth-lowest such measurement on record, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said in a statement. The annual minimum was not as extreme as the collapse of sea ice last year, which smashed through all records. But it was still well below the average of the last three decades.

3 thoughts on “Warmists push ice-free Arctic date back a ‘few decades’ — An Inconvenient Pause”

  1. Not to worry, next year when the ice is even thicker, it will be “Global warming causes heavier Artic sea ice – it’s consistent with all the models”. Wait and see…

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