Warmist UK paper admits ‘serious debate’ over failure of warmism to match up with reality

The Guardian editorializes:

There is, however, a serious debate about why the observed temperatures have not kept pace with computer-modelled predictions and where the heat that should have registered on the global thermometer has hidden itself. One guess – supported by some sustained but still incomplete research – is that the deep oceans are warming: that is, the extra heat that should be measurable in the atmosphere has been absorbed by the sea. This is hardly good news: atmosphere and ocean play on each other, and any stored heat is likely to be returned to the atmosphere sooner or later, in unpredictable ways. The real lesson from the latest finding is that there is a lot yet to be understood about how the planet works, and precisely how ocean and atmosphere distribute warmth from the equator to the poles.

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4 thoughts on “Warmist UK paper admits ‘serious debate’ over failure of warmism to match up with reality”

  1. So sayeth The Guardian … “We thought we understood the atmosphere so well we could make long-range predictions on a few decades worth of partial data. Those predictions turned out to be wrong, but we figured out away to make them seem less wrong an so we are accepting that as “science”, “The science of oceanic deep current atmospheric heat absorption, storage and return. But only vile ‘deniers’ will expect this previous failure to in anyway account for this significant factor will in anyway alter our previous dire predictions or the calculations on which all of those predictions were based … our science is just too good for unaccounted for and not yet understood major factors to get in the way of our findings.”
    Or as one of their religious prophets put it … “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” – Sir John Houghton, First chairman of the IPCC.

  2. I learned in 5th grade science that heat always rises and cold always falls due to molecular density.
    Anyone that says “the Earth’s heat is in the deep ocean” is
    1. Not a scientist
    2. Looking for government grants
    3. Flunked 5th grade science
    In no certain order.

  3. Sooner or later they’ll figure out a way to get the Earth to comply with their theories. They are pure-of-heart environmentalists. Therefore, they must be right. Just ask any one of them. They’ll tell you it’s so. Reality be damned. They see the true inner workings of Gaia.

  4. “The real lesson from the latest finding is that there is a lot yet to be understood about how the planet works, and precisely how ocean and atmosphere distribute warmth from the equator to the poles.”

    Given “The real lesson…” if much is yet to be understood, why even THINK about massive energy restrictions and societal restructuring???

    Maybe the word “THINK” doesn’t exactly describe the process???

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