Warmism’s recurring theme: ‘Things did not go as expected: a frustrating mix of unpredictable weather and Murphy’s Law’

Graham Lloyd writes at the Australian:

Had things gone to plan, this week the four modern-day explorers from Vancouver, Canada, would be nearing the end of their marathon expedition to row the 3000km Northwest Passage across a melted Arctic Ocean.

It was a journey conceived to concentrate attention on climate change and set the scene for the release this month of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth update report on the science of global warming.

What must have seemed like a publicity sure bet when the voyage began in June ended in hasty retreat as an unexpectedly cold season saw the Arctic’s summer ice cover almost one million square kilometres more than the previous year.

If the expedition had continued, the purpose-built rowboat and its intrepid adventurers risked being left stranded in the ice.

It appears to be a recurring theme in the climate change debate. Things did not go as expected: a frustrating mix of unpredictable weather and Murphy’s Law.

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6 thoughts on “Warmism’s recurring theme: ‘Things did not go as expected: a frustrating mix of unpredictable weather and Murphy’s Law’”

  1. Graham Lloyd is really going to be cast out of the enviro-journo’s collective now.

    The rowers were barely covered in the media, but climate sceptics were enjoying their ‘progress’ with popcorn and much mirth. Has Graham been caught reading sceptic blogs?

  2. “If the expedition had continued, the purpose-built rowboat and its intrepid adventurers risked being left stranded in the ice.”

    If nothing else, they at least demonstrated some degree of survival instinct. That’s more than I would have expected from true believers in the warmist religion.

  3. Just another reason for Eric Holder and the DOJ to file a civil action against Mother Nature–she won’t do what the warmists who run our government demand.

  4. They were so sure of their ability to predict the end of the ice sheet and settled science they had this photo op. Now they are looking for every excuse for failure. Golly gee, we had bad weather sort of flies in the face of settled, undebatable science.

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