WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin back to her old non-disclosure tricks — so we’ll do it for her

Juliet Eilperin “reports” in the WaPo:

The Obama administration has consistently said the United States can meet its 2020 climate goal of reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent compared to 2005 levels. Now, in a new biennial report it will release for public comment Thursday, it explains how it can do it…

According to the administration’s estimate, overall U.S. emissions will be between 14 and 20 percent below 2005 levels by the end of the decade if the federal government executes the president’s climate action plan.
Heather Zichal, the deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change, said at a forum Wednesday at the Bipartisan Policy Center , that the report “outlines how U.S. action on climate change puts us on a path” to meet its 2020 goal and would serve as “a benchmark” for other countries, which are obligated to report on their own climate policies next year as part of the U.N. climate negotiations.

Daniel J. Weiss, who directs climate strategy at the liberal Center for American Progress, wrote in an e-mail that the report shows what is possible under the administration’s plan. “Hopefully, Congress will support this effort rather attempt to undermine it,” he wrote…

With respect to the Center for American Progress (CAP) quote, Eilperin is married to a CAP staffer who works on climate issues. Is this obvious conflict-of-interest — even recognized by the WaPo’s own ombudsman (before they axed the position) — disclosed anywhere? Here’s Eilperin’s bio blurb at the bottom of the article:

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5 thoughts on “WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin back to her old non-disclosure tricks — so we’ll do it for her”

  1. I wondered the same thing when the USSR broke up and the Berlin wall fell down, but they soon found something to do. I’m sure they will again this time.

  2. There is a word for “consistently impartial” which is, “BIASED” … GASP ! A biased warmista journalist, couldn’t possibly be ! /sarc off

  3. I just wonder what all these people are going to do for a job now that the house of cards is tumbling down?

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