WaPo: ‘Get used’ to NOAA junk science — wreck the economy while experts ‘sort out’ weather event attribution

About last week’s NOAA report claiming human fingerprints on “extreme” weather events, the Washington Post editorializes:

These findings, often expressed in percentages and probabilities, aren’t as satisfying as sure proof linking one effect to one clear cause. Get used to it; experts are still sorting out the best ways to attribute weather events, and they should be cautious. They also don’t offer a total picture of the effects of climate change on weather phenomena, let alone everything else.

Read the full editorial.

2 thoughts on “WaPo: ‘Get used’ to NOAA junk science — wreck the economy while experts ‘sort out’ weather event attribution”

  1. They said extreme events were twice as likely and only last week they were four times as likely. Looks like a 50% improvement in the weather outlook. Is that also due to climate change? All this is the continuing rush to get the skeer out that has been going on for a long time. The so-called climate science has been little more than a contest of who can come up with the biggest skeer.

  2. Mealy-mouthed agenda-driven guesses are a bad way to run a government. The CAGW agenda has damaged standards of living in the US, driven down revenues while raising costs, and we’ll be paying for these choices for a looong time.

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