VA Guv candidates differ on EPA coal rules: Republican Cuccinelli — against war on coal; Democrat McAuliffe — no position, wants ‘expert’ advice

NBC-4 reports:

“This is economically destructive on a scale i haven’t seen before, this one rule and we have to overcome it,” said Cuccinelli.

The candidates also took different positions on the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed emission rules rolled out Friday.

The agency announced its plan to cap the amount of greenhouse gasses that could be emitted from new coal plans. Cuccinelli said the proposal would cripple Virginia’s coal industry.

“The administration renewed its war on coal today,” Cuccinelli said. “And it’s important for us in Northern Virginia to remember – in Virginia, the war on coal is a war on our poor.”

McAuliffe still hasn’t taken a firm position on whether any new coal plants should be allowed in Virginia. He didn’t take one yet on the new EPA proposal either.

“We’ll begin to look at them immediately, get experts in and all of us look at them together and make that decision,” McAuliffe told reporters.

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4 thoughts on “VA Guv candidates differ on EPA coal rules: Republican Cuccinelli — against war on coal; Democrat McAuliffe — no position, wants ‘expert’ advice”

  1. You may be right, but while the Cuccinelli campaign has not been too great, a lot of independent organizations have been running devastating ads against McAuliffe.

    Right now it is a toss up. If nothing major happens, I think you will be correct. If one more scandal breaks, then that person will lose.

  2. He is probably going to win, because he is flooding the airwaves with ads about how his opponent wants to kill your baby and eat it too. And it seems like the populace is too dumb to figure out the over the tops claims are 100% false.

  3. McAuliffe is for it. He is also an ally of Bloomberg on gun control. He also likes to export jobs. And all of a sudden, people are finding out.

    He is a carpetbagger.

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