UWisc. Meteorologist: Global warming stop (or cooling) could last another 15 years

FOXNews.com reports:

One problem with that conclusion, according to some climate scientists, is that the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has limited the hiatus to 10-15 years. Anastasios Tsonis, distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, believes the pause will last much longer than that. He points to repeated periods of warming and cooling in the 20th century.

‘I know that the models are not adequate … they don’t agree with reality.’
– Anastasios Tsonis, distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

“Each one of those regimes lasts about 30 years … I would assume something like another 15 years of leveling off or cooling,” he told Fox News.

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3 thoughts on “UWisc. Meteorologist: Global warming stop (or cooling) could last another 15 years”

  1. Data, if sufficiently tortured, will confess to almost anything. Unknown

    All hail the global cooling hysterics from the late 70’s and early 80’s.

  2. 15 more years of level-to-cooling temps, with CO2 production by humans continuing to rise, ought to bury the CO2 component. It won’t, I suspect, but it ought to.

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