5 thoughts on “US temps for Jan.-Aug. only 34th warmest, says NOAA”

  1. Howdy Latimer
    A tiny effect and yes, its presence is debatable. When you average the instrument record for 1913, you get some kind of decimal reading but the quality of the data doesn’t support working right of the decimal point.
    The AGW concept says that temperatures should rise as long as people crank out large amounts of CO2 and for some time thereafter. Didn’t happen like that. The concept is falsified.
    As for 2013 being 34th warmest YTD, that’s in a fairly short dataset that has a rather thin spread. In terms of getting along with weather, we haven’t had anything remotely like a weather crisis over the last century. Bad events, yes, but no ongoing crisis or change in patterns of disruptive weather.

  2. Just curious, but if any of the talented number crunchers here get bored could someone tell me how many “warmest” seasons there are before the temperature is actually colder than average? If we’re talking 20th and 21st century temps that only gives us 114 years to compare so only 57 could be above median. So the 58th warmest year is actually colder than the median. Is the mean that far from the median?

  3. So it was colder in 2013 by 0.3F than 1913! Even after 100 years of AGW and 40% more CO2. That’s a pretty minor effect – if its really there at all

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