Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy”

Fergus Green writes at LowyInterpreter.org:

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott once famously described the science of climate change as ‘absolute crap’ and gave a ‘pledge in blood’ to repeal Australia’s carbon pricing scheme if elected to government. On domestic climate policy, the stark difference between the Coalition and Labor was a central issue in the election campaign. But what does the election of the Abbott Government mean for international climate policy?

First, a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy. The grand vision at the heart of this paradigm is of (1) a global emissions trading scheme (ETS), enshrined within (2) an international treaty, predicated on (3) a regime of emissions reduction targets for each country that ‘add up’ to a global reduction in greenhouse gas concentrations sufficient to restrain global warming to within ‘safe’ levels.

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4 thoughts on “Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy””

  1. We can certainly hope that the Aussie election is a blow to international “climate change” operations.
    Canada is nominally a very “green” country but it tends to be pretty pragmatic about its greenness, especially under PM Harper.
    Perhaps our contact with Canada and Australia will cause some of their improved green thinking to leak into our politics and policies.

  2. We collectively extend our middle digit at the ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of the world socialist scammers. Our new PM is display significant leadership to the world that we won’t be part of a scheme to deride and destroy Western Civilisation. Those who wish to do so may leave now and retreat to a cave somewhere where their smell will not be offensive.

  3. Hm. As long as the sonzabitches can derive a government revenue scheme from leveraging this “absolute crap” in one way or another, the friggin’ thing ain’t dead yet.

    Nominally conservative or undisguisedly “Liberal” fascist, all of them are statists, and crisis of one kind or another is what governments depend upon to bleed, graft upon, and strangle the productive sector of society.

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