UK columnist says IPCC report is about ‘climate breakdown’ — then calls skeptics ‘scaremongers’

George Monbiot writes at the Guardian:

What the report describes, in its dry, meticulous language, is the collapse of the benign climate in which humans evolved and have prospered, and the loss of the conditions upon which many other lifeforms depend. Climate change and global warming are inadequate terms for what it reveals. The story it tells is of climate breakdown.

This is a catastrophe we are capable of foreseeing but incapable of imagining. It’s a catastrophe we are singularly ill-equipped to prevent.

The IPCC’s reports attract denial in all its forms: from a quiet turning away – the response of most people – to shrill disavowal. Despite – or perhaps because of – their rigours, the IPCC’s reports attract a magnificent collection of conspiracy theories: the panel is trying to tax us back to the stone age or establish a Nazi/communist dictatorship in which we are herded into camps and forced to crochet our own bicycles. (And they call the scientists scaremongers …)

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5 thoughts on “UK columnist says IPCC report is about ‘climate breakdown’ — then calls skeptics ‘scaremongers’”

  1. If you do something that is very questionable to benefit a certain group of people, or an industry, or some other special interest, you will get called out on it. However if you are doing it to “save the planet” you think you can get away with anything and no one would dare to call you out on it, your cause is “so noble”.

  2. People of Monbiot’s political orientation have a habit of reversing the meaning of words. It probably makes them feel smart. For example, they call the enemies of liberty “liberals”. The practice of intervention in all forms of human endeavour is called “progressive”. The progress is measured by the number of things or activities banned. Food devoid of nutrients is called nutritious. Cooling is called warming. &c.

  3. “What the report describes, in its dry, meticulous language, is the collapse of the benign climate in which humans evolved and have prospered” Huh? Weren’t humans around durng the last Ice Age? This guy needs a better fact checker.

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