Thumping Down Under: New Aussie PM Tony ‘Global Warming is Absolute Crap’ Abbott controls 87 of 150-seat Parliament

Defeated PM Kevin Rudd announces he will not run for leadership again.

WAToday reports:

Mr Rudd told a gathering of the party faithful in Brisbane: ”I have been honoured to serve as your Prime Minister and as your party’s leader.”

”But there comes a time when you know you’ve given it your all and a time for the party to further renew its leadership for the future.
”For me that time is now. So I will not be recontesting the leadership of the parliamentary Labor Party.”

The Australian people deserved a ”fresh start”, Mr Rudd said.
”I know this will not be welcome news to some of you. But my responsibility has been to maintain Labor as a fighting force for the future so that we can unite behind the next leader of our party.”

Mr Rudd told the audience they would not hear his voice in public life for some time, and that was ”as it should be”. He had taken the decision with a ”heavy heart” because he loved the Labor Party, loved the movement and loved ”the vision we have for Australia’s future”.

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