The Scare Must Go On: CDC rejects own study debunking dietary salt hysteria

Bloomberg reports:

Salt is at the center of a battle among government agencies and health advisers who can’t agree on what is too much or too little for a healthy diet.

Four months after an Institute of Medicine report said reducing salt to the lowest recommended level doesn’t improve health and may harm it, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they disagree. In an article published today in the American Journal of Hypertension, the CDC and New York City health officials said getting Americans to eat less salt remains a key objective with the potential to save thousands of lives.

The IOM report stirred controversy after doctors and news organizations suggested the findings meant national efforts to cut salt consumption were unnecessary and potentially dangerous. The CDC, which commissioned the IOM report, the New York City Department of Health and others are now writing in to reiterate their commitment to lowering sodium consumption.

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