The Guardian reports:
Fraught negotiations over a landmark review of the world’s knowledge of climate change were making slow progress on Thursday with just hours to go before early Friday’s deadline .
The negotiations are likely to go on through the night, as countries and scientists wrangle over how to assess the global threat from greenhouse gas emissions.
At stake are projections – such as those of future temperature increases, sea level rises and the frequency of extreme weather – that will inform and guide government policies around the world for years to come.
But people involved with the talks told the Guardian that progress had been patchy and slow as delegates debate the precise wording of the 50-plus page summary.
If there were a consensus, this part would be easy.
Guardian fails to report on the Human Rights Scandal in Sweden
The propaganda doesn’t even need to be believable. People tend to think truth lies between two opinions. If you exagerate your opinion drastically, you won’t be believed, but you will still stretch the point where assumption of truth lies. Take the infamous NatGeo Statue of Liberty cover. People will say, that of course they don’t believe THAT, but several meters worth of sea level IS happening and that’s still really bad.
It’s a UN group, of course it’s not science. Never has been. The UN is a POLITICAL group after all.
A delicate balance it is, trying to adjust the data to fit the agenda, then make sure the propaganda is somewhat believable.
If negotiations are involved, it’s not science.