Salt Guru: Tide turning — more evidence showing salt reduction a bad thing

The Salt Institute’s Mort Satin writes:

In the midst of a contentious scientific debate, it is difficult to predict exactly when the tide begins to shift in one direction or another. It all depends on the amount and quality of evidence that continues to come in and how that evidence is regarded by the opposing parties. For several years, we have been highlighting the overwhelming mass of evidence on the negative consequences of population wide salt reduction. This evidence has come from a great many independent and unrelated research centers around the world. Critically, this growing body of new evidence is not narrowly based on the single surrogate measure of blood pressure, but relates to overall health outcomes – the measure of greatest importance to public health. During the past two years in particular, the stream of evidence has repeatedly confirmed that population wide salt reduction down to the levels recommended by the dietary guidelines (1500 mg or 2300 mg sodium per day) afford no significant health benefits to the broad population and may in fact increase the risk for harm. This evidence has been systematically ignored by the CDC, the WHO, the National Salt Reduction Initiative, the Center for Science in the Public Interest and virtually all of the ‘establishment’ public health institutions around the world. In the face of an avalanche of contradictory scientific evidence and even when the very health of consumers are at stake, these organizations appear to be far more concerned with saving face than saving people.

Read the Salt Guru’s full article.

4 thoughts on “Salt Guru: Tide turning — more evidence showing salt reduction a bad thing”

  1. Physicians have long understood that the body needs a lot more salt that public ‘health’ authorities recommend. ‘Normal saline’ is used for treating dehydration. It is almost routinely delivered to A 1 liter IV delivers 9 grams of sodium chloride, with about 3600 milligrams of sodium – about TWICE the recommended value.

  2. Tee hee hee hee hee. Tide is commonly associated with the sea and the sea is salt water…
    omnologos is right; “public” health issues are often personal health issues and the moralizing is very tiresome. “Public” health would concern itself with communicable disease and environmental threats — real ones, not CO2 or methane.

  3. When public health is involved, moralism gets always the upper hand, and public health suffers as a result. A wise government would concern itself only with the obvious.

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