Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

Wow… here’s his tweet and just a few pot-kettle examples.

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Check out this 2009 report on Climategate for how Mann’s uses his ‘network’ to smear folks he doesn’t like.

Click for “Michael Mann smears Mark Steyn as a racist.”

Click for “ Michael Mann attacks coal CEO as ‘villain’ — Sounds like defamation, no?.”

Click for “Michael Mann claims Virginia GOP Guv candidate Cuccinelli lying about Climategate-related lawsuit — What’s the lie, Mike?.”

2 thoughts on “Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’”

  1. Ah, sticks and stones, Manny boy, sticks and stones.
    The more Michael Mann attacks Rupert Murdock the more I like Rupert Murdock.

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