Reuters: Skeptics have turned Al Gore, IPCC chief Pachauri into has-beens

Reuters reports:

Compared to the heady days in 2007 when U.S. climate campaigner Al Gore and the U.N.’s panel of climate scientists shared the Nobel Peace Prize, the risks of global warming may be greater but the stars preaching the message have faded…

Both Gore, the IPCC and Pachauri, now 73, won a series of international awards for their work in 2007. Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, won an Oscar and standing applause at U.N. negotiating sessions when it was shown…

“We need new voices,” said Jennifer Morgan, of the World Resources Institute think tank in Washington. “Hopefully the IPCC will inspire leadership, from the Mom to the business leader, to the mayor to the head of state”…

But Gore has also been worn down by criticisms, especially by U.S. Republicans who say his climate campaigns are alarmist and question the science behind them…

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6 thoughts on “Reuters: Skeptics have turned Al Gore, IPCC chief Pachauri into has-beens”

  1. Gore and the others have been worn down by the facts and exposure. And, if it were not for the Internet competing with the MSM, the facts would not have come out, and there would have been no exposure. So, I suppose we can say that Gore has been hoisted by his own self-proclaimed petard.

  2. Somehow I think Gore hurt himself by taking the most outrageous claims and doubling them. He also is a total hypocrite – not even bothering to lower his own footprint – while preaching to others.

  3. Disoriented, dismayed and disheartened. The warmists are tasting what we’ve tasted for more than a decade.

    Bon appetit!!

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