Pat Michaels: ‘IPCC behaving like a treed cat. Instead of closing its eyes and scurrying to the ground, it climbs onto even higher and thinner branches, while yowling ever louder’

Pat Michaels writes at

The IPCC is really in a pickle. Not only can it be blamed for the lack of any effective (unnecessary) national climate policy, but it is about to produce a report that is going to be obsolete the minute it is published.

Over the years, the IPCC has behaved like a treed cat. Instead of closing its eyes and scurrying to the ground, it climbs onto even higher and thinner branches, while yowling ever louder. How does it back down from a quarter-century of predicting a quarter of a degree (Celsius) of warming every decade, when there’s been none for 17 years now?

In fact, as I demonstrated in a recent presentation to the American Geophysical Union, the reigning suite of climate models has now officially failed, with the difference between them and reality now statistically significant at the 1-in-20 level.

Since the beginning of 2011, at least 16 separate experiments published by nearly 50 researchers show that the “sensitivity” of temperature to carbon dioxide that is characteristic of the IPCC’s climate models is simply too high. “Sensitivity” is the amount of temperature change expected for a nominal doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

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3 thoughts on “Pat Michaels: ‘IPCC behaving like a treed cat. Instead of closing its eyes and scurrying to the ground, it climbs onto even higher and thinner branches, while yowling ever louder’”

  1. Further, have you ever tried to pull down a treed cat? One of my Siamese went up a tree in a church parking lot next to my old farm. The good churchgoers decided to put up a ladder and pull her down. There were a lot of blood and scars left behind on the do-gooders. Ditto the IPCC treed cat.

    I have to admit I am rather fond of the analogy.

  2. Love the treed cat analogy! Those alleycats don’t want to give up their only sales gimmick for the wind/solar scam….climate fear!!! Once people realize there is nothing to fear, they will be furious at having been duped for all these years! Money….blown into the wind….

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