Skeptics scare IPCC sh*tless — Frantic last minute negotiations in Stockholm ahead of report release

The Guardian reports: Continue reading Skeptics scare IPCC sh*tless — Frantic last minute negotiations in Stockholm ahead of report release

Odd: IPCC chief Pachauri moonlights as a soft porn novelist: 2010 novel loaded with group-sex scenes

Grist reports: Continue reading Odd: IPCC chief Pachauri moonlights as a soft porn novelist: 2010 novel loaded with group-sex scenes

Capitalists selling the rope: JP Morgan Chase, Cargill want UN-appointed global regulator for all carbon markets

Bloomberg News reports: Continue reading Capitalists selling the rope: JP Morgan Chase, Cargill want UN-appointed global regulator for all carbon markets

Michael Mann blames ‘slowing of warming’ on ‘unaccounted for effects of volcanic eruptions and natural variability in the amount of heat buried in the ocean’

Mann writes at LiveScience: Continue reading Michael Mann blames ‘slowing of warming’ on ‘unaccounted for effects of volcanic eruptions and natural variability in the amount of heat buried in the ocean’