Claim: Guns don’t make nations safer — But violent crime rate in gun-free UK is 4x higher than US

A study rushed to publication following the Navy Yard shooting. Continue reading Claim: Guns don’t make nations safer — But violent crime rate in gun-free UK is 4x higher than US

Obama Energy Secretary: ‘Transforming our energy economy will be a challenge… We will need visionary policy makers’ — NO! We will need MAGIC!

From Ernest Moniz’s written testimony for today’s House hearing on Obama’s climate change plan: Continue reading Obama Energy Secretary: ‘Transforming our energy economy will be a challenge… We will need visionary policy makers’ — NO! We will need MAGIC!

Obama energy secretary admits: Unilateral U.S. climate action is pointless

From Ernest Moniz’s written testimony for today’s House hearing on Obama’s climate change plan: Continue reading Obama energy secretary admits: Unilateral U.S. climate action is pointless

Obama Energy Secretary admits: ‘We cannot attribute any particular storm to climate change’

From Ernest Moniz’s written testimony for today’s House hearing on Obama’s climate change plan: Continue reading Obama Energy Secretary admits: ‘We cannot attribute any particular storm to climate change’