Obama energy secretary admits: Unilateral U.S. climate action is pointless

From Ernest Moniz’s written testimony for today’s House hearing on Obama’s climate change plan:

The third part of the President’s Plan is leading international efforts to address climate change. Although we are still one of the largest emitters on a per person basis, U.S. emissions represent only about a fifth of the global total. As such, a global effort will be required if we are to avoid increasing climate damages in the future.

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7 thoughts on “Obama energy secretary admits: Unilateral U.S. climate action is pointless”

  1. On a “per person basis,” I suspect that the IPCC and its friends are amongst the biggest emitters, certainly far bigger than we peons. I demand that future climate conferences be by internet. For the children.

  2. It forever amazes me that the “green movement” so demonizes CO2 as the de-facto cause of all of our climate angst; that they cynically overlook the fact that higher levels of CO2 in our atmosphere have a beneficial impact on all forms of plant-life on Earth, and that CO2 also forms the very basis of the Food Chain in our Oceans.

    Without CO2, our Oceans would be dead… as would the rest of the planet.

    The undeniable truth is that CO2 is a compound that nurtures life and higher concentrations in our atmosphere are a net benefit to all species on the planet and the biosphere itself.

  3. Ernest Moniz is clearly delusional. It has become clear that CO2 is not the driver of earth’s climate. Australia is now the world leader in debunking this myth and the US should follow immediately. Obama and his henchmen have destroyed any chance of an economic boom by;
    1. Promoting burning of food for fuel
    2. Wasting massive amounts of funds on green energy-solar and wind
    3. Elevating EPA to a gestapo like status to kill use of coal
    4. EPA regulating “greenhouse gases” from all sources, especially vehicles.
    5. Over-regulating business to destroy economic independence from government.
    6. Increasing government dependence with massive increase in food stamps and disability recipients
    7. Devaluing the dollar and creating a stock market bubble that cannot be sustained.
    I’m counting the days until these venal morons are drop kicked out of DC

  4. Reblogged this on Power To The People and commented:
    So per Ernest Moniz if the world as a whole does not implement
    forced starvation due to ‘biofuels- before- food crops and death by exposure, due to “skyrocketing” ‘renewables prices before affordable energy from fossil fuel the earth will be destroyed by the trace gas CO2? Since even the IPCC is now backing down on the claim CO2 is the primary culprit behind Climate Change maybe Ernest Moniz should also back down on his and Obama’s plan to “save the world” by killing off humanity by starvation and exposure.

  5. So per Ernest Moniz if the world as a whole does not implement
    forced starvation due to ‘biofuels- before- food crops and death by exposure, due to “skyrocketing” ‘renewables prices before affordable energy from fossil fuel the earth will be destroyed by the trace gas CO2? Since even the IPCC is now backing down on the claim CO2 is the primary culprit behind Climate Change maybe Ernest Moniz should also back down on his and Obama’s plan to “save the world” by killing off humanity by starvation and exposure.

  6. “avoid increasing climate damages in the future.”

    “Climate damages” !?!? Nonsense, from a high-paid government official.

  7. Global action on greenhouse gas will predictably damage economies and continue to mire the poorest in squalor. It will also increase income inequality (which doesn’t matter but it’s a favorite “progressive” shibboleth) because the economic damage will push down incomes across the board. When that happens, the middle class and the lower class lose more ground than do the upper classes.
    Global action on greenhouse gas will, as far as we can tell by the science and the empirical evidence, do absolutely nothing to affect temperatures, climate or weather.
    The Obama administration and its allies, then, are proposing a concerted global effort to hurt the poor and the middle class. I’m very middle-class and my son and my daughter are hoping to earn their way there. These obstacles will only make it harder for them to achieve a middle class lifestyle. The climate and weather will do what they were going to do anyway.

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