Obama blocks all agencies but EPA, DoE from testifying before House on climate

The Hill reports:

Nearly a dozen federal agencies have declined to send a witness to next week’s House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the White House climate change plan, a GOP aide said.

The Sept. 18 hearing envisioned as a sweeping look at administration-wide climate policy is down to two witnesses: The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Department.

“We understand these will be the only witnesses the administration will provide,” a GOP Energy and Commerce Committee aide said.

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3 thoughts on “Obama blocks all agencies but EPA, DoE from testifying before House on climate”

  1. Shouldn’t at least the Fish and Wildlife department get a say? They are getting mighty ticked off with the nonsense that the EPA is pulling on these CO2 permits, which require endangered species review, but the EPA is going nuts, trying to include migratory birds and flat-out rejecting the Ranger’s reports

  2. Considering how many members of the administration are suspected of perjury before past committee hearings it is understandable that some are gun shy about lying about a failed agenda and non-crisis.

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