Not Syria-ous: Kerry takes break from war drums to push global warming at climate conference

AFP reports:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the evidence for climate change was beyond dispute but it was not too late for international action to prevent its worst impacts.

“The science is clear. It is irrefutable and it is alarming,” Kerry told a climate conference in Majuro in the Marshall Islands in a video address from Washington.

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5 thoughts on “Not Syria-ous: Kerry takes break from war drums to push global warming at climate conference”

  1. It used to be a terrible thing to call anyone a liar – this guy is living in a world that has little to do with reality and one wonders if he is in this parallel universe I have heard about – his warmongering is almost laughable if the consequences for thousands of poor souls was not in the world of reality and as for these people who keep on ramming AGW down our throats when the evidence they present is nothing more than rhetoric (actually fairy tales) then perhaps the word should be used, so lets start with this guy.

  2. God help us. Irrefutable. If ever a word has been used to describe an infant scientific discipline, this is not one of them. Who does Kerry think he’s fooling?

  3. Kerry (the haughty, French speaking, Vietnam war veteran) has been wrong on so many things in his political life for far too long. What’s another to the long list?

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